Digital transformation

Transforming your efficiency

In the non-profit or trade union sector, digital transformation projects can often be complex. The important work undertaken by these organisations encompasses a broad range of considerations such as regional geography, event registrations, balloting and subscriptions. Managing these efficiently requires a unique suite of digital tools.

In each client implementation, we adopt a similar change management approach to ensure that all aspects of the digital transformation are included and optimised.

Our four stage approach

1. Discovery

Analyse the current and future business needs of the client. By understanding the objectives, we can select a suite of solutions that combine cost effectiveness today with expansion opportunity for the future.

2. Definition

Analyse the various user journeys adopted by members and administrators. Coordinating the technological solution with the organisation’s real needs is paramount in realising the potential of any transformation.

3. Design

Design the software solution, listening to the subject matter experts within our clients. Building a system that solves their specific membership challenges is the differentiating feature of our service.

4. Deployment

Implement the system. This includes migrating the data, ensuring it integrates efficiently with other services and supporting all administrators, managers and team members as they on-board.

Advice from our clients

Developing tech project objectives

With Dave Homer, IT project manager at the NASUWT

Data migration

When upgrading to a new membership management solution, data quality is critical to success. Often the data within legacy systems contain errors, missing fields or duplicates. Migrating this without first undertaking a thorough review will defeat even the most well-developed transformation strategies.


Map the existing data to identify any errors, gaps and integrity issues


Cleanse the data to ensure accuracy and compliance with GDPR legislation


Transform the data to the new structures and formats and begin cyclical review

Millertech adopts a sophisticated and flexible data migration approach that does not rely on simple and error-prone conversion methods. Instead, the three-stage model above ensures that only accurate, complete data is migrated, maximising the organisation’s ability to communicate and engage with members.

Steve Shiels: Commercial – Head of Product
Steve Shiels, Commercial – Head of Product:

Digital transformation should always begin with a thorough understanding of what needs to change and why. Placing user needs at the heart of any project is key to success.”

Our products and services