
Millertech partner, Fetchify Introduces new Data Cleansing API


Millertech partner, Fetchify Introduces new Data Cleansing API

Why member data is crucial for organisation success

Our partner Fetchify introduces a new data cleansing API. There is more to processing customer data than getting initial capture right. Accurate customer data is the lifeblood of business with as many as 88% of companies worldwide affected by bad data. Customer’s details can be collected through many different acquisition points spanning sales, marketing, logistics, forecasting, and more.

Member registration forms, checkout, newsletter sign-up, call centres, feedback forms, may not all have the capacity to support real-time data validation tools and this can lead to CRM systems building up a huge percentage of inaccurate or incomplete records over time. With as much as 30% of CRM data decaying each year, a once clean and healthy list can rapidly lose quality and as a result affect campaign effectiveness.

Communicating with your members to reinforce the benefits they are gaining from their membership as well as upselling products and service is vital, but many members will not be reached due to bad data.

Fetchify has expanded its suite of data validation solutions for membership organisations to take control of their customer data throughout its lifecycle, beyond the initial entry, with two new Data Cleansing solutions.

Automatically cleanse data from any source – Data Cleansing API

Many organisations that collect member data from multiple sources don’t all have the capacity to include real-time validation across all channels. Fetchify has developed a new approach to data validation to address this need, enabling organisations to build On-Demand data cleansing as an automated process within their own infrastructure and data systems. The API ensures records are complete and accurate or removed where necessary, regardless of how they were entered.

Bad customer data can cost membership organisations up to 15% of their annual revenue. We have a long history of helping businesses to capture accurate customer data. Our new data cleansing API allows us to help organisations to combat bad quality data from within their system.”

Laura Lutener, Product Manager at Fetchify

Invalid, inaccurate, and incomplete member data doesn’t just run the risk of losing sales. You also risk losing your audiences’ trust if they receive the wrong correspondence or none at all. It costs time and efficiency as membership and customer service teams have to work around erroneous CRM data. Sales forecasts based on poor quality CRM data can be inaccurate leading to incorrect budgeting across departments. The responsibility for capturing and maintaining accurate customer data is also essential for GDPR compliance.

Time for a clean slate? – Batch Data Cleansing

As well as the On-Demand Data Cleansing API, Fetchify has also launched Batch Data Cleansing. This allows businesses to cleanse all records currently in their database, to check the validity and accuracy of all postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses on record.

This is a vital step when migrating to new platforms or systems and gives the business a clean slate. The integrated, on-demand data cleansing API can then be built into the new system. This ensures only clean data is added to the freshly-cleansed database moving forward.

Fetchify is a SaaS company with 14 years’ experience as a leader in the data validation field. Known for its best-in-class Address Auto-Complete and Postcode Lookup solutions which search and verify customer address data at point of entry, Fetchify helps businesses ensure member data held is clean and accurate before it enters the CRM.

For more information about Fetchify’s Data Cleansing and Data Validation solutions, visit or get in touch at


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